Waukee Baptist Church

Love - Grow - Serve - Give

Welcome to Waukee Baptist Church

Nothing fancy or hokey. Just real people dealing with real issues who have found real hope in Jesus Christ.

We believe it is important to teach the Bible with truth and grace. We need to learn about the challenging demands of discipleship, while showing each other grace along the way. We want to be authentic followers of Jesus Christ and value people and relationships as He did. We try to provide an encouraging, compassionate, honest environment for people as they pursue a deeper relationship with Christ.

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Our Location

Sundays: Bible study for all ages at 9:30 am
Worship service at 10:30 am
Wednesdays: Bible study for adults and youth at 6:30 pm

For other scheduled activities, please select "Events" from the Menu

45 4th Street
Waukee, IA 50263